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Civil Debate

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:10 am

Hijinks nodded enthusiastically at the idea of a sandwich. "Yay TayTay! But you know, you didn't actually 'meet' Kitten. You don't know anything about him. You know he has a farm now? It's outside the city. I couldn't ever imagine being a farm pony. Makes me wonder why he would waste his life doing that..."

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:16 am

"A farm?" Tayari asked. "Doesn't seem like such a waste to me. Maybe I should meet him, though. What is he farming?" As he asked this, he held out the completed first sandwich to Hijinks.
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:23 am

Hijinks shrugged. "I dunno... Maybe he's growing cake." She wasn't serious of course, but it would be amazing if Kitten actually was growing cake out there. "Even then, farming is best left to the... Dull ponies." She shuddered slightly at that. Nontheless, Hijinks took the offered sandwich and bit into it, swallowing under half of the whole thing in the first bite. "Good sandwich, TayTay."

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:31 am

Silently, the hungry zebra considered the idea of a cake farm, knowing there should be a reason to dismiss it but being unable to think of one. As he made his own sandwich, though, he said, "It doesn't have to be for the dull ponies, though. For one thing, plenty of innovation can go into it; for another, farming can't be only for dull ponies or I'd be there." Finishing his own sandwich and taking a bite, he asked Hijinks, "Let me know if you want any more. I've still got some bread left."
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:44 am

"If you were a dull pony, I would not be interested in you." Hijinks retorted. "I call them dull because they are just that. They are content to go through their life following the routine that Celestia." She spat out that name in disgust. "Made herself to keep everything in order. They grow up, get an education, get married, have foals, get old and then they die. Boring BORING BORING!" She stamped her front hooves on the ground in anger, which looked like she was throwing a tantrum... Which would be kinda accurate at this moment. It would also be interesting to note that Hijinks' eyes were now light blue, the same colour as her mane.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:13 am

Tayari instinctively backed away a step, caught by surprise by the outburst. "Woah! Hold on... okay. Not a dull pony, then, you clearly really hate dull ponies..." And Celestia, he noted internally. "Since there aren't any here at the moment, could we calm down, please?"
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:33 am

Tayari's words did not help and Hijinks felt anger and hate burn through her body. Screaming, she bucked the empty air behind her, nearly falling off balance. "I don't hate dull ponies, they are necessary to do all of the unimportant jobs such as farming." She replied without screaming. "But they are so stupid! It disgusts me to even be around them!" By now Hijinks as finished jumping, smashing and screaming and is currently just clenching her jaw tightly. Her eyes, however, stayed a vibrant blue.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:45 am

Tayari took another step back, saying, "Okay, okay, whatever you say! Just please stop!" His voice, more than anything, betrayed any idea that he would keep composed; seeing Hijinks in a destructive state in the middle of his lab was likely to get someone hurt, and while he didn't know who, he had no intention of finding out.
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:51 am

Hijinks huffed and sat down on the floor. She was still angry if her eyes were any indication. "What do you want?" She asked Tayari.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:00 am

Tayari took a moment to collect himself before answering, "I want to avoid things getting destroyed in this room, for one. And to make sure your day isn't ruined five minutes after entering my shop. Hijinks, is something wrong?"
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:20 am

The blue faded from Hijinks' eyes and they returned to their natural red. "I dunno... I guess?" She admitted as she turned her head downwards so she wouldn't have to look at Tayari. She wanted to say something but... She could never force the words out. She decided that she needed to say something so she steeled herself and looked up at Tayari. "My father is alive." She blurted out.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:34 am

Tayari blinked. "I, ah... that's good news, isn't it? Unless..." he said before cutting himself off so Hijinks could speak.
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:48 am

Hijinks shrugged. "I dunno... He was M.I.A but I guess they never really confirmed if he died or not. Could have abandoned us, thought we were dead or got captured." Hijinks tried looking to the deepest parts of her mind to ascertain her feelings on the matter. Rage would be the most likely response considering how his 'death' affected her life but she didn't really feel angry. "I guess it doesn't really matter. Revenge won't get me anything... And he doesn't know I exist so..."

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:57 am

Tayari nodded. "I... can't honestly say I can imagine what that's like. I'd offer advice if I had any, but as it stands, the best I can offer is this: whatever you decide to do, I'm available if you'd like help." Thinking for a second, he added, "And that extends beyond the father thing. Within reason, at least, I'm available to help as much as I can."
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:14 am

Hijinks smirked. "And you thought you were a dull pony." She giggled. Although, thinking back on Tayari's offer, Hijinks had a question. "Hmm... Would you sing a song with me if I asked you to?"

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:27 am

Tayari sighed. "I could point out that I said 'within reason', but alright..." Clearing his throat, he sang one verse:
"♫Every single day there's something else to account for 
Every single day there's something hazardous to brew 
But nothing makes me satisfied like a day when I can say 
"Hey, ponies, I've got potions, and they’re just for you!♫"

Looking at Jinks, he asked, "Happy?"

Last edited by Tayari on Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:32 am

"Immensely" Hijinks replied with a mischievous grin. "So..." Hijinks looked around the room. "Can I has another sandwich?" She asked, putting on the puppy dog eyes.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:37 am

Tayari nodded. "One sandwich, coming right up. I'll throw in a drink, too." True to his word, he soon produced another sandwich and a cup full of juice for the filly, with another cup set aside for himself.
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:44 am

Hijinks stuffed her face full of sandwich, finishing it off almost as quickly as the first. She then finished by taking a big gulp from the cup of juice. "Ahhh. Nothing like a good cuppa." She said contently. "So you wanna go the park with me and roll down the hill?" She asked.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:08 am

Tayari shook his head. "Sorry, Hijinks. Perhaps another time; I need to keep the shop open for now, at least."
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Hijinks Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:13 am

Hijinks was slightly disappointed. "Oh. Okay! I think I'll just go and... I dunno. Annoy Kitten a bit? Yeah. Sure." She gave Tayari a quick hug and ran out the door. "I'll see ya later, TayTay!" She shouted as she ran out the front door.

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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:23 am

Tayari sighed, unhappy with disappointing Hijinks. The hug was nice, though, and he meant what he said. He returned to the work he'd been doing earlier, of waiting for customers and organizing the contents of the alchemy lab.
Pip Squeak
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Civil Debate - Page 1 Empty Re: Civil Debate

Post by Tayari Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:31 am

Year 5, Jan 8

Characters: HijinksTayari

Summary: Hijinks once again visits Potent Prepared Potions, and discusses various topics with Tayari as they eat, such as the situation with Harmless Fun and Hijinks' opinion of dull ponies.
Pip Squeak
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