Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
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Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Nov 15, Year 4 12:45PM
Forte silently made her way down an all too familiar strip of sidewalk. She wasn't able to see any of the details for herself, but she knew they were there.
Pausing in place, the blind mare stopped in her tracks at the position that once held the nearly lifeless body of the pony who now stood with her.
"I believe this is the building we seek." She replied in her usual monotone voice. "We should not waste any time. I hope nopony has found them yet."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera followed the blind mare. They walked to the building Theera wanted to kill herself from. The memories floated through her mind. She felt not well at this place. "You´re right, we should be quick. I don´t like this place." She said while she started to move a bit faster. She walked besides Forte. "The memories from this place are hrrible."
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte quietly nodded her head once while listened to the voice of her lover. Keeping her senses alert for anything or anyone that might be a threat in the abandoned building, she simply continued moving farther and farther upward towards the roof.
"You feel the same sentiments I do." She replied quietly, her demeanor seeming to fall squarely back into what it had always been before meeting up her with love as the location placed stress upon her mind.
"You feel the same sentiments I do." She replied quietly, her demeanor seeming to fall squarely back into what it had always been before meeting up her with love as the location placed stress upon her mind.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"I hope things like that will never happen again." Theera said while still walking upstairs. her body was still a bit weak from her injuries, but she managed to keep up with forte. "The feelings, the pain. I don´t want to feel anything like that again." She pressed herself a bit against fortes side.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"As long as you are with me, I promise to never let anything such as that happen to you again." Forte replied while keeping her 'gaze' and senses forward. "You are a part of me now. If I would not hurt myself, I definitely wouldn't hurt you."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Thanks. you´re my all in all. I wouldn´t know what to do without you." Theera said silently and gave Forte a kisson the cheek. then she walked further to the roof. "I hope they´re still there. They were a present of my father to me. I will never forget him, or all the others, which died in Pyreha...." A tear rolled down Theeras cheek.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
A very faint smile cracked Forte's stoic expression the moment the lips touched her cheek. "I would be lost in a sea of darkness without you by my side to give me light." She replied simply while pausing in front of the door to the roof. "We are here. I am sure your items are still where you left them."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera smiled as she heared the warm words of her marefriend. Then she looked at the door. "Hopefully" She said preparing herself to enter the area of bad memories and feelings. "You first, pls. I´m a bit frightened." She said and hid behind forte.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Do not worry, I will always protect you." Forte replied, gently brushing Theera with her long tail in hopes of helping her calm down and relax. She reached up with her forehoof and slowly opened up the door, falling silent as the horrible memories began to flood back into her.
The unicorn slowly moved out, face returning to its expressionless state as she tried to hide her feelings of stress.
The unicorn slowly moved out, face returning to its expressionless state as she tried to hide her feelings of stress.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera noticed Fortes stress, even it was very hard to see. She slowly walked out of the door. She looked around, she had to remind were she had slammed the crown down. She walked a few steps, till she stood on the place she stood, when she threw them away. "This was the place where i threw away the crown." She said. trying not to reind things after this scene.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte slowly approached her marefriend, scanning her with her senses before looking the area over. "It is very hard for me to make out different inanimate objects. I cannot see much detail." She said simply while scanning the roof slowly in hopes of finding the familiar outlines she had seen with Theera's aura before the event had taken place. "I am sorry I cannot be more of an aid."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Even through your presence you´re helping me very much." Theera said while looking around. It was hard to remember were the crown could be. the Fateful night was really dark and rainy. She looked to the left and then to the right. "Where could it be?" she mumbled. She walked from left to right. but wasn´t able to find it. "damn it! it has to be here somewhere."
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte stayed silent while slowly scanning the entire area around her with her senses, unable to make out anything besides what could have been pieces of trash scattered about. "I cannot make out any familiar shapes. I hope nopony has found them before us."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Who would walk up to a random roof?" Theera asked while still scanning the area. "I don´t think somepony has found it." Theera now searched at a near chimney. Then she found something behind it. "I have something!" she said as she took a broken half of her crown. "It is broken." she said with a sad expression on her face.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte quickly made her way over to Theera upon hearing her voice. Unable to see her expression, she was able to sense the sadness in her tone of voice. "I am so very sorry that it could not be intact. However, having it is still better than being without it. Is it not?" She asked, trying her best to lift her lover back up, if just a bit.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Yeah, at least we know its still here" Theera said while pressing the broken piece to her chest. Then looked around for the rest of it. Not much time later she saw the rest of the crown. "I got it!" She said while picking it up. "Now we just have to find the wristbands and we have to find someone later who is able to fix my crown." She said
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"They should not be too far away from the crown if you took them all off at the same time." Forte replied simply while keeping her senses focused solely upon Theera. "As for fixing your crown. I believe there is a smith in the city. I have not met him myself, but word travels."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"I guess they´re not far away. And for the fixing, i don´t know if a smith can work with such filigree material. I mean they smash hammers at metal.....anyways, these wristbands have to be here somewhere too. " Theera walked up to forte and gave her the broken crown "here hold this while i try to find the rest." then she gave forte a slight kiss and continued search
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte returned the kiss offered to her, taking the crown afterwords. "That is true. It would not hurt to speak with him at the very least. Don't you think?" She asked in her usual monotone voice. "I wonder where those wristbands could have gotten off to. They cannot simply run away."
The unicorn mare paused as her senses scanned over the door that led back into the stairwell. "There is a pony approaching." She said simply. "Their aura does not seem threatening, however."
The unicorn mare paused as her senses scanned over the door that led back into the stairwell. "There is a pony approaching." She said simply. "Their aura does not seem threatening, however."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The door opened and a dark stallion, about 4'7'' stand in its frame. at his wrist he wore theeras Wristbands. he had wounds over his body and had a crazy expression. "Well, well ,well. What we got there?" he asked "It seems somebody found our crown, right?" then he made a short pause before responding to himself " Yeah you seem right, she has our crown, Get it" He seems to have a multiple personality.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera turned around as she heared fortes voice, then saw the opening door and the brown stallion. "Hey! That are my Wristbands and its my crown!" She yelled at him. She was a bit worried, the stallion didn´t seemed very friendly. he seemed to have some mental problems.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte turned to face the stallion before taking a few steps backward. "The aura has deceived me this time." She stated quietly while focusing on the strange pony, the white outlines of Theera's wristbands showing clearly around his forelegs. "Those are not yours. They belong to my marefriend, and I politely request having them returned to her."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Did you hear that?" he asked himself "Yes, what we do now?" he asnweared and questioned himself aswell. "Don´t listen to tehm, these things are ours. and now get it." he walked a few steps towards Forte. "C´mon give me the crown, and no one will get hurt...hihihi." he giggled.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Hey, don´t touch my marefriend" Theera yelled and walked towards the crazy stallion. She wouldn´t let someone hurt forte. She wanted to defend her. Anger raised in theera. Anger which she only had in the faithful night in this place.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte watched silently as the stallion's aura seems to switch back and forth each time he spoke, slowly taking a step back once she was approached. Turning her sights to Theera as she spoke up to the other pony, expression only solidifying its emotionless state upon seeing the new deep orange color of her marefriend's aura. She chose to say nothing.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"Shut up filthy mare. Its ours, and we will take it now." The stallions said before to forte. he walked up to forte and slammed her to the ground "Give me the crown!" He said in a strained voice. He tried to pull out the cronw pieces from fortes hoofs.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera saw how her marefriend got slammed to the round and ran towards them. "Get of my marefriend!!" She yelled as she rammed him in the side and throw him off. "And now give me theese Wristbands.!" Her heart was beating fast. She never fought somepony. but she was full of resulution to get her will.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
A quiet groan of pain escaped Forte the moment she hit the ground, only focusing on keeping the crown safe and clinging to it. She ears rang slightly from the impact her head had sustained.
Somehow managing to keep her magic active, she was able to spot the aura belonging to Theera contact the opposing aura and remove the weight from her body.
Somehow managing to keep her magic active, she was able to spot the aura belonging to Theera contact the opposing aura and remove the weight from her body.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The stallion landed on his back, but quickly stood up again. "Someone seems to want a fight" he said to himself again. "when she want the fight, give it to her, but give yourself a small benefit." he said and then took out a small knife. "Yeah, that will do" He walked towards Theera.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera was a bit worried, but didn´t wanted to give up this quickly. "i say it a last time, Give me thoose damn wristbands." She walked a step towards the stallion to show him, she didn´t fear his knife. "NOW!" she added.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte slowly picked herself up from the ground, her left side now colored a much deeper shade of blue due the the dark bruise underneath her fur. "Dear...please be careful. This pony is carrying a weapon." She said quietly, trying her best to calm down her marefriend and avoid any injury to her.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The stallion didn´t said anything and jumped into theeras direction with the knife first. He tried to hit her right into the chest, to make it quick. He thought the mare wouldn´t be strong. but he underestimated her willpower....
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera saw the stallion jumping towards her and tried to avoiding his attack by jumping aside. The knife gazed her side and made a small wound. But Theera ignored it, turned around and jumped towards The stallion. "You can´t stop meee!" She yelled while jumping. Her anger raised more.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte's ears folded back a bit in a rare show of emotion as she was brushed aside by Theera, seeing that her efforts to calm her down wouldn't do much as the earth pony's aura slowly shifted to red. "Please...don't get hurt..." She said quietly, knowing full well that her physical abilities wouldn't be able to help.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The Stallion was surprised by Theeras reflexes and got down to the ground as she hit him. He lost grib of his knife, which slided a few feets away. "Argh, shes good, but not good enough." He said as he stood up. He ran towards Theera and jumped again agains her.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera saw the stallion, but hadn´t enough time to avoid him. She pressed agains his impact to not fall over. She looked around, realizing they stood near the end of the roof. She was no friend of killing someone, but in her anger, shee stoop to anything to protect her marefriend.
She tried to push him towards the edge.
She tried to push him towards the edge.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte watched on helplessly while trying to think of a way to stop the needless fighting, changing her posture to a more straight stance as she completely fell back to her previous self as the stress of seeing her marefriend in such a state built up on her.
"You are better than this, Theera." She said simply, all emotion drained from her voice.
"You are better than this, Theera." She said simply, all emotion drained from her voice.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The brown stallion saw himself getting pushed towards the edge. "Why is she so strong?" He asked himself. HE pushed with all of his strength, But the small mare was stronger. His hindhoof slipped ofer the edge and he lost balance. He fell over behind the edge. But before he was falling down, somebody grabbed his forehoof. He was very confuded as he saw the mare, that seemed to kill him, hold him before falling.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
As Theera heared the Voice of Her lover, it was too late, the brown stallion lost balance and was about to falling down. In the very last moment Theera grabbed his fore hoof and prevented him from death. As she saw his confused face, she spoke "If you want that i don´t let you fall down, You´ll give me the Wristbands." She said under Strain " And you have to apologize by my Marefriend, do you understand?"
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte slowly moved up to the edge of the building with the others, extending a foreleg as an offer of help as well. She said nothing, simply keeping her senses trained on the dangling stallion while waiting for an answer to Theera's words.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
The stallion looked down. he swallowed before speaking "Okay okay, we´ll give you your wristbands." He said while panic expanded in his expression. "And i´m sorry, for hitting your marefriend, but pls, pull me up."
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
As Theera heared the words, she started to pull. Sure she was angry and would like to kill him now, but forte was right. She was better than this scum. "Well i hope you keep your promisses" She said as She had pulled the stallion back to the roof.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte pulled with what strength she had to help Theera get the stallion back up onto the roof, expression unchanged despite the effort she was putting into the action. Staying silent, she simply allowed her mind to wander around to different places.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
As The stallions stand back on the roof he quickly removed the wristbands. his body was shacking from the shock of nearly dying. "I will never be you Problem anymore." he said before running down the stairs and disappearing.
Red Shirt- Resident Punching Bag
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Theera took the Wristbands and put the onher hoofs. She didn´t say anything about this incident. her anger slowly disappeared. She never before was to kill somebody. She was a bit frightened by herselfs dark side, she just experienced. This was totally new for her. She looked over to the door and then back to forte. "Lets go" she said simple, while still thinking about all this.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte gave a simple nod to Theera, remaining stone silent while moving towards the stairs with her marefriend. Her mind continued to race through many different thoughts, though her face remained unchanged and completely emotionless.
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
ON the way down Theera looked at her Broken Crown. "Well you said something about a smith who maybe can fix my cown? Do you know where his smith is?" She asked forte. She knew Forte was Thinking about Theeras actions on the roof, and tried to distract her from it.
Theera- Pie
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Forte remained silent for a few moments after the words were spoken to her, simply following down the stairs with light hoofsteps. Keeping her face and senses forward, her mouth opened to speak in a voice of utter blandness. "I have only heard of him through passing comments. He is somewhere downtown."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
Then we should go there and search for him. and after that we could start searching for a new Home, Since we don´t want to live in this small cave-thingy." She said still trying to avoid Fortes thoughts from the happenings on the roof.
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Re: Recovering a Treasure[private][dated]
"That sounds adequate." Forte replied simply, showing no signs of her former released emotions. She soon left the ruined building with Theera to make her way back onto the sidewalk. "You will have to be the one to keep a look out for the signs."
Forte Sun- Big Mac
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