MLP: Griffon Kingdoms
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Post by Kroll Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:04 am

[20:30:52 21/04/13] Zero : Night
[20:31:25 21/04/13] * Zero looks down at Snow. "...Snow?"
[20:31:45 21/04/13] * Suture sighs, increasing the dosage of sedative to maximum, which could kill Snow in minutea.
[20:31:46 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly turns her eyes to look at Zero. "What...?"
[20:31:56 21/04/13] * Zero stops Suture
[20:32:04 21/04/13] Zero : "NO, NO!!"
[20:33:01 21/04/13] Zero : Ugh, lag
[20:33:10 21/04/13] Zero : "...are you alright?"
[20:33:27 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "I guess..."
[20:35:15 21/04/13] * Zero begins undoing her restraints slowly. "Now... you won't kill me when I get you out of here... will you?"
[20:36:02 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze doesn't move as the restraints are undone. "I don't think so..."
[20:38:08 21/04/13] * Zero removes the last few, being cautious as to not make direct contact with her. After releasing the last restraint, he slowly took a few steps back, giving her some space.
[20:39:03 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze very slowly rolls onto her side, curling up slightly on the table.
[20:39:45 21/04/13] Zero : "Um... Do you just need some space, or..."
[20:40:08 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze takes a slow breath in. "I don't care..."
[20:40:29 21/04/13] Zero : "What?"
[20:40:53 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze says no more as she simply lays there, staring blankly at the wall.
[20:41:30 21/04/13] * Zero walks back to Snow. "Hey, hey..."
[20:41:58 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze glances towards him, only moving her eyes.
[20:48:21 21/04/13] Zero : "...what's wrong?"
[20:48:51 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze stares at him. "Nothing..."
[20:49:12 21/04/13] Zero : "What don't you care about?"
[20:49:26 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "Everything..."
[20:49:53 21/04/13] Zero : "....everything is wrong now..."
[20:50:20 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "What do you mean...?"
[20:50:26 21/04/13] Zero : ".....*sigh*"
[20:50:44 21/04/13] Zero : "Before, you were right. Nothing was wrong."
[20:51:07 21/04/13] Kroll : (if your definition of "right" is stabmurdering people on a whim)
[20:51:24 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze stays in her position, unmoving. "I don't understand..."
[20:51:52 21/04/13] Zero : "Now.... It's.... I want the old Snow back. We all act differently... Sure, the stabbing could've been... um... stopped..."
[20:52:10 21/04/13] Zero : "But this is just... wrong."
[20:52:22 21/04/13] Zero : "It's all wrong."
[20:53:28 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly turns her eyes away from Zero, blankly staring ahead once more without saying a word.
[20:57:08 21/04/13] * Zero set his head on the table. "Everyone wanted you to change... I was the only one... The only one..." He banged his head against the table, a few tears running down his face.
[20:59:37 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly moves a hoof to Zero's head, not saying a word.
[21:00:19 21/04/13] * Zero stops moving, looking up at Snow. "....?"
[21:00:26 21/04/13] * Clear Skies puts a hoof on Zero. "No....Not the only one."
[21:00:55 21/04/13] Zero : "...what...?"
[21:01:11 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly moves her hoof back to her side, staring absently at the two.
[21:01:49 21/04/13] * Clear Skies looks to Zero. "She could have changed for the better. I knew it as well as you."
[21:02:45 21/04/13] * Zero nods in response. "......"
[21:03:19 21/04/13] * Clear Skies sighs. "Though a l
[21:03:36 21/04/13] Clear Skies : lobotomy is primitive in this day and age."
[21:05:55 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly shifts onto her back.
[21:07:06 21/04/13] * Clear Skies sighs and moves to Snow. "You had such potential dear. A memory like no other..." she said and ask "Are all your memories in tact?"
[21:08:03 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze shifts her eyes to look at Clear. "Yes they are, Clear..."
[21:09:02 21/04/13] Zero : "....."
[21:11:10 21/04/13] Zero : " are her?"
[21:11:41 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Yes I am. 'Her' "
[21:12:26 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Do you think it'd be possible to reconstruct your personality from your memories Dear?"
[21:12:57 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "I don't know..."
[21:14:02 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Well inform me when you do know. At least give it a try if you can."
[21:14:29 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "I don't feel like doing anything..."
[21:15:06 21/04/13] Zero : "Please... help her...."
[21:15:22 21/04/13] * Clear Skies sighs. "C'mon. At least give it a try. Its not like you could do anymore damage."
[21:16:21 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly shifts her eyes to stare blankly ahead once more. "I don't know what to do..."
[21:17:17 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods.."Its simple...In Theory. Remember your memories, and remember how you felt about them. All of them."
[21:18:04 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze turns her attention back towards Clear once more. "I think I can do that..."
[21:18:52 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Then please don" she said, putting a hoof to Snows hoof.
[21:18:59 21/04/13] Clear Skies : do*
[21:20:44 21/04/13] Zuberi : durka durka durka durka!
[21:20:50 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly closes her eyes as she tries to remember everything from her past.
[21:21:26 21/04/13] * Zero watches in silence, intrigued by the interaction of two personalities, in hopes Snow will return.
[21:31:22 21/04/13] Clear Skies : In reality examining ones entire life and how they felt about it would take a moment
[21:31:22 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly opens her eyes as her memories come flooding back to her from every moment in her life.
[21:35:12 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze quickly sits up from the table, looking around the room a bit.
[21:35:27 21/04/13] Zero : "....Snow...?"
[21:36:02 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze smiles. "Hi Zero~"
[21:36:57 21/04/13] * Zero breathes a long sigh of relief. "Thank you, Clear... again."
[21:38:01 21/04/13] * Zero hugs Clear. "Thank you so nuch...."
[21:38:20 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Always glad to help. And Snow, no more games. People going around giving forced lobotomies and heaven knows what else."
[21:38:57 21/04/13] * Clear Skies is hugged and blushes. "Well I dont know if thats completely necessary.." she said.
[21:39:03 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze picks up a scalpel and stares at it for a moment, before looking towards Clear. "What?"
[21:39:13 21/04/13] Zero : "It is..."
[21:39:24 21/04/13] Zero : "I care that much."
[21:39:32 21/04/13] * Clear Skies looks to her.."No more Games. You heard me dear."
[21:40:43 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze frowns. "But I need to play..."
[21:41:03 21/04/13] Zero : "We could play something else....?"
[21:41:25 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze frowns. "But, I only like the one game."
[21:41:46 21/04/13] Zero : "Maybe we could try some other ones...?"
[21:42:08 21/04/13] * Clear Skies looks to her sternly.."Keep playing the game and something worse might happen dear."
[21:42:34 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze whines loudly. "But...but...!"
[21:43:47 21/04/13] Zero : "You heard her, Snow."
[21:44:46 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly looks back down at the scalpel and stares at it for a moment.
[21:45:07 21/04/13] Zero : "Time to play something else..."
[21:47:07 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze suddenly stabs the blade of the scalpel into her hind leg multiple times. "I'll help to play by myself then!"
[21:47:31 21/04/13] * Zero takes it away from her. "No!"
[21:48:17 21/04/13] Zero : "You have to stop.... I won't let you do this to yourself..."
[21:48:42 21/04/13] Zero : "...or others."
[21:48:49 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze takes another sharp instrument from the table near by, continuing the process.
[21:49:19 21/04/13] * Zero moves the table away, snatching the blade from her. "Stop!"
[21:49:45 21/04/13] Zero : "I'm not giving up on you."
[21:49:46 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze looks up at Zero with tear-filled eyes. "I can't!"
[21:50:03 21/04/13] Zero : "You can!"
[21:50:26 21/04/13] Snow Breeze : "No I can't!!"
[21:51:05 21/04/13] * Zero brings Snow into a hug. "...just let it go... You can."
[21:51:15 21/04/13] * Clear Skies looks to Snow. "You dont have to Snow. You've been hurting others for so long...Now look. You've still managed to gain friends.." she said calmly.
[21:51:57 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze 's eyes slowly begin to shrink as the other pony hugs her, the mare falling silent.
[21:52:15 21/04/13] Zero : "Come oooonnn...."
[21:54:13 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly brings her hooves up around Zero, beginning to squeeze him with every ounce of strength in her forelegs.
[21:55:28 21/04/13] * Zero continues hugging her. "...Snow?"
[21:56:10 21/04/13] * Kroll continues munching on popcorn. "You only brought this on yourself, bucko. Ya dun goof'd."
[21:56:23 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze hurls herself off of the medical table, forced Zero to land under her.
[21:56:37 21/04/13] Zero : "S-Snow!?"
[21:57:24 21/04/13] Dawn Star : This is bad ....hey kroll mind passing the popcorn over
[21:57:24 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze reaches a hoof up to grab Zero's mane, staring into his eyes with a berserk look upon her face. "No!"
[21:57:49 21/04/13] * Kroll nods, sliding the popcorn Dawn's way. "Sure thing."
[21:57:55 21/04/13] Zero : "But I want to help!"
[21:58:18 21/04/13] Tayari : And now you see why I used the emote.
[21:58:24 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith sits next to the two popcorn eaters. "Oh, did I miss anything?"
[21:58:25 21/04/13] Zero : "I-... Y-you won't let me!"
[21:58:38 21/04/13] * Dawn Star munches on the popcorn
[21:58:44 21/04/13] Zero : I know. That's why I told you to run.
[21:58:59 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze pulls Zero's head up before slamming it into the ground. "I don't need any help!!"
[21:59:16 21/04/13] Tayari : Meh. I'm an observer to this; no manifestation of me is there.
[21:59:26 21/04/13] * Kroll nods, grinning. "So much."
[21:59:28 21/04/13] Tayari : Or something.
[21:59:30 21/04/13] * Zero 's face becomes absolutely straight. "Fine."
[21:59:55 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith facehoofs. "Dangit. Is this on recording?"
[21:59:55 21/04/13] Zero : "Get off of me."
[22:00:06 21/04/13] Zero : "Now."
[22:00:18 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slams Zero's head again without saying a word.
[22:00:28 21/04/13] * Kroll shakes his head. "If it was, I would've fast-forwarded to the credits by now."
[22:00:54 21/04/13] * Zero cringes with a grunt, but remains still. "Now."
[22:01:01 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith looks for the remote. "No, I mean is it recording right now."
[22:01:41 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slams him again as her breathing begins to grow quicker. "No!"
[22:02:07 21/04/13] * Zero struggles.
[22:02:08 21/04/13] * Kroll reaches into the sofa cushions, fishing out the remote. "Uh...maybe..." He passes it over to Xarith. "More than welcome to check."
[22:02:22 21/04/13] Zuberi : :I
[22:02:32 21/04/13] * Zuberi wonders if he should bring rodeo in to help zero >:3
[22:02:34 21/04/13] Zero : :I
[22:02:43 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith tries the pause button.
[22:02:58 21/04/13] * Dawn Star gives a confused look " you know if is in trouble..why doesn't anypony help clear "
[22:03:00 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze continues her repeated blows to Zero's head, grin only growing wider.
[22:03:33 21/04/13] * Kroll shrugs. "Not sure. Though when you think about it, this whole scene is her fault."
[22:03:51 21/04/13] * Zero is continually slammed into the ground, cracking the tiles, smearing them with blood. "SNOOOW!!!"
[22:04:01 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith bats at the remote with his hoof. "Batteries are probably dead."
[22:04:09 21/04/13] * Kroll quickly covers his beak with a claw. "Ohp, shit. Sorry Xarith...spoilers."
[22:04:11 21/04/13] * Dawn Star nods her head "yeah that true"
[22:04:30 21/04/13] * Tayari points out, "Clear's interference would really only lead to more damage. She's not a combatant."
[22:05:00 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith sets the remote down next to him. "Nah it's fine. I'll catch up later."
[22:05:29 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze laughs slightly. "I...*slam*...need...*slam*!!"
[22:05:38 21/04/13] * Clear Skies stares horrified as Snow slams Zeros head into the ground. Frozen by fear, unable to do ajything.x
[22:05:40 21/04/13] * Kroll nods, mulling Tayari's comment over. "That's a good point...but I thought Snow didn't do this sort of stuff around Clear..."
[22:05:48 21/04/13] Clear Skies : I leave for a few minutes...
[22:06:27 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith sips on a drink. "Anything for ratings I guess."
[22:06:32 21/04/13] * Dawn Star looks over to kroll "what is this even rating in the box office?"
[22:06:40 21/04/13] * Tayari shrugs. "She's even less in her right mind than usual, I'd guess. It's gotten into the negative values of sanity."
[22:06:50 21/04/13] * Clear Skies shakes it off and throws herself at Snow. "STOP IT THIS INSTANT! OR YOU'LL NEVER SEE YOUR BUNNY AGAIN!"
[22:07:38 21/04/13] * Zero lays on the floor, writhing a bit with a steady stream of red leaking from the side of his mouth.
[22:07:54 21/04/13] Tayari : Um. Snow has a bunny?
[22:08:16 21/04/13] * Dawn Star shows disappointment on her face " and there's clear ..hmmm..better late than never I suppose "
[22:08:19 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith takes another sip. "It was in an earlier episode, Tay."
[22:08:38 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze gets thrown off of Zero by Clear, instantly freezing any efforts to resist as soon as she hears the pegasus' words.
[22:09:15 21/04/13] Tayari : "Yeah, it probably wasn't good to start watching in the middle of the season."
[22:09:31 21/04/13] * Kroll nods sagely.
[22:10:05 21/04/13] * Kroll says "In retrospect that was not my greatest idea."
[22:10:58 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "You heard me. You need to find other ways to fill your sadistic ways without harming others OR yourself. Or you lose your priveleges with the bunny."
[22:11:16 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith glances at the remote. "Still need to make sure that these are recording. I don't know if I saved the others."
[22:11:19 21/04/13] Zero : Zubs
[22:11:29 21/04/13] Zero : Wat r u doing? 3:
[22:11:50 21/04/13] Zuberi : n-nothing.. :S
[22:12:13 21/04/13] * Zero coughs several times, producing a puddle on the cracked floor tiles, once white.
[22:12:50 21/04/13] Zuberi : i dont like seeing zero hurt :c
[22:13:03 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze begins to have tears slowly well up into her eyes. "I...I don't know what to do...!"
[22:13:23 21/04/13] Zero : I didn't know you cared :c
[22:13:31 21/04/13] * Dawn Star looks at the remote "well the red light is on..soo it must be recording"
[22:13:44 21/04/13] * Kroll looks over at Xarith. "I think the most recent season came out on DVD. I know a griff who can hook you up."
[22:14:04 21/04/13] Zuberi :
[22:14:24 21/04/13] Zero :
[22:14:32 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith nods a bit and takes another sip. "Alright, alright. Sounds good to me. I've been meaning to refresh."
[22:15:15 21/04/13] Zero : this sounds like it must be a good show
[22:15:57 21/04/13] * Kroll nods. "Alright. I'll pay her a visit later on."
[22:17:35 21/04/13] * Zuberi pours a healing potion into zero's mouth
[22:17:37 21/04/13] * Clear Skies looks to Snow. "Let me help. You've been half assing our sessions. Its get help now or hurt everyone who cares forever." she said pointing to Zeri
[22:17:41 21/04/13] Clear Skies : Zero*
[22:18:50 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly moves her hooves up to cover her eyes. "I...I'll try... for Ms. Fluffybun..."
[22:19:30 21/04/13] * Tayari snickers. "Just... watching Snow say that with a straight face..."
[22:19:45 21/04/13] * Kroll chokes on his popcorn a little as he laughs. "I know, right?"
[22:20:32 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith sets his spilled drink on the table. "One sec. -I need to clean this up..."
[22:20:40 21/04/13] * Zero gargled and choked, swallowing a portion
[22:20:51 21/04/13] * Clear Skies nods. "Good. Now back to your room." she said strictly. "And make sure you say hello to Ms.Fluffybun for me."
[22:21:15 21/04/13] * Dawn Star laughs "Ms.Fluffybun ..who came up with that"
[22:22:02 21/04/13] * Kroll clears his throat, dislodging a few kernels. "Whoever came up with the rest of the dialogue, I guess."
[22:25:12 21/04/13] * Snow Breeze slowly stands up and nods. "Okay... I'm sorry..." She says quietly before slinking away.
[22:25:26 21/04/13] * Zero coughed, spitting to pool out of his moutg. "...Cl-Clear...."
[22:27:24 21/04/13] * Clear Skies goes to Zero.."Oh Dear...Uhm...Is there a doctor nearby? Preferabbly not the one who gave my patient a lobotomy..."
[22:27:45 21/04/13] * Dawn Star points out "You know the character names are odd but the actors and actress are the best I've seen "
[22:28:02 21/04/13] * Kroll blinks. "Come to think of it, who authorized that lobotomy anyway?"
[22:28:35 21/04/13] Zuberi : :c
[22:28:45 21/04/13] * Tayari shrugs. "I dunno. My mind is still on the Narm moment from before. Fluffybun..."
[22:29:09 21/04/13] * Dawn Star shrugs "no clue"
[22:29:30 21/04/13] * Zero rolls over onto his stomach, wobbling to all fours with the support of the table.
[22:30:10 21/04/13] * °๖ۣۜXarith returns with some papertowels and sits back down.
[22:30:16 21/04/13] * Kroll nods. "I mean, yeah, the acting is fantastic , I agree with you there wholeheartedly"
[22:30:57 21/04/13] * Clear Skies helps the poor stallion along until they happen on a pair of good doctors, who whisk him away to help him.
[22:31:06 21/04/13] * Tayari nods in agreement.
[22:31:47 21/04/13] * Dawn Star agrees "yeah I know it's better than that one war show ....what was it called again?"
[22:33:07 21/04/13] * Dawn Star trys to think of the title
[22:35:25 21/04/13] * Kroll frowns, getting up and tapping the frozen image on the screen. "Ah, shit. I think the DVD's scratched up..."
[22:36:39 21/04/13] * Dawn Star is disappointed "Oh Come On! And it was just getting good"
[22:36:44 21/04/13] * Tayari gets out a laptop. "I'll order a replacement, then. Not sure when it'd get here, but better than nothing."
[22:37:12 21/04/13] Clear Skies : *The screen freezes a moment and Clears office shows up*
[22:37:35 21/04/13] * Kroll sighs, flopping back down in his seat. "I guess-- shit, wait, it's starting back up."
[22:38:33 21/04/13] * Dawn Star stares at the screen while still trying to think of that title.
[22:39:13 21/04/13] * Clear Skies sits in her office quietly. However the camera zooms out to show a shadow behind her. It speaks in a gravely tone. He puts a hoof around her mouth and a knife near her neck. "Shh....Quiet...I just need a little information.." The camera zooms to watch a folder fly to her desk. He tosses it on the table and several photos of Snow pop out.
[22:39:26 21/04/13] Clear Skies : *Next time on Mare of Insanity*
[22:39:42 21/04/13] * Kroll smirks. "As dark as it sounds, I think this would've been better if there was a laugh track."
[22:40:35 21/04/13] * Dawn Star agrees and blurts out "Band Of Ponies that what it was"
[22:40:57 21/04/13] * Tayari adds, "Or a riff track. Bunch of people cracking jokes about the nature and quali-"
[22:41:10 21/04/13] * Tayari looks at Dawn. "Wait, what?"
[22:41:15 21/04/13] * Kroll buries his face in his claws. "Oh, fuck me."
[22:42:38 21/04/13] * Dawn Star looks at tayari in confusion "band of ponies ..what? You haven't seen it?"
[22:42:44 21/04/13] * Tayari shrugs, packs up his laptop and leaves, his job (whatever it was) now accomplished. Or something.
[22:44:36 21/04/13] * Kroll shrugs. "Frankly, I enjoyed Generation Quill a lot more."
[22:44:48 21/04/13] Clear Skies : Funny Chat Moments. Naow

Posts : 686
Join date : 2012-10-29

Character sheet
Profession: Captain of the Guard

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