MLP: Griffon Kingdoms
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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Atriark Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:51 pm

A trade town positioned next to the ocean. It stands as the first gryphon town most ponies see when they enter the Gryphon Kingoms. The town consists of mostly fishing huts placed as close to the water as they could, and in some instances atop the water. Docks fill the coast line and are in a varying degree of capacity. The train station, aptly named Train Hut, is one of the largest buildings in Uch-Vorta next to the town's keeper or mayor.
Fancy Pants
Fancy Pants

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty Re: New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Tayari Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:54 am

Tayari - Train Hut

Tayari stepped out of the train station, clad in a plain brown cloak and bearing saddlebags. Behind the zebra's colourless coat and dull attire was a sense of joy, though; it'd been long enough since he'd last made the trip here, and it was almost entirely unfamiliar to him now. Plus, with the seasonal occurrence of a flower out of town, and the chance to learn how the Griffon Kingdoms were up close...

He smiled at the thought, before reaching into his cloak to pull out a compass and piece of paper from a pocket within. Standing next to a wall, he tried to work out which direction he was heading first.
Pip Squeak
Pip Squeak

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty Re: New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Prism Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:15 pm

Steel Prism- Train Hut,

He stepped onto the stations platform and took in the smelly of the sea air, it was very different to Canterlot it felt a lot more fresh. He shift the bag that was on his back the carried everything he he would need. His guard amour covered most of is body but he could still feel the breeze through it.

Prism started to look around of signs of where he needed to head next there was few pony guards here so wasn't sure how easy it would be to find them.
Shining Armor
Shining Armor

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty Re: New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Tayari Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:11 am

Tayari looked up from his items, putting them back into his cloak as he looked around and tried to match the directions as they were on paper to what was around him. As he did so, he noticed the glimmer from an armored pony just outside the station. 'A guard?' he thought, 'I thought they were being sent further into the kingdoms...'

Thinking the guard might be clearer with directions than just hoping to find the right street sign, Tayari approached and asked, "Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to know the way to... What was it..." Checking the map again, he finished, "Gill Road?"
Pip Squeak
Pip Squeak

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty Re: New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Prism Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:18 pm

Steel Prism- Train Hut

He was lost in his own mind trying to remember where he had to go when a voice shattered his mental map, he looked at the zebra blinking a few times "I am not sure. Just got here myself and working out where I need to get to, if I could take a look at the map I am sure can work it out"
Shining Armor
Shining Armor

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New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota Empty Re: New Beginnings Showcase - Uch-Vorota

Post by Tayari Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:21 pm

Tayari replied, "Sorry. I thought you might have been here longer. I can probably work it out myself, I just thought asking might be faster." Holding out his map, he added, "Though if you would like to have this so you can find your own way, feel free."
Pip Squeak
Pip Squeak

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